
Taylor Rosen(project manager)- Cornell University

Aspen Braniff- UO

Logan Stewart-USC

Saumon Ghaemi-UO


Our project uses the dating website "" to analyze the way that university students (ages 17-24) use dating websites. 

We used different schools to see if the labels students gave them selves were different in seperate locations.However we did analyze the way that women and men experiance/use the site differently by haveing a female and a male profile at a similar school.

Indivisually we each made our seperate profiles, using a profile picture that was not of any of us. We attempted to match our likes and dislikes, etc., with that of students who attended the schools we analyzed. Then we contacted indivisuals who we "met" on datemyschool and asked them questions that, somewhat, tested whether the likes and dislikes, etc., were actually what represents them. Our Hypothesis is that people only use labels on dating websites that are used by the general population in that area. 


To present we will use a powerpoint format.

Please refer to this video to view what we expected



Winter 2012
Identity & Selfhood
Short Summary

The project attempts to analyze online dating profiles and their factuality

%201111.pdf (1.83 MB)