Our project idea is based off the We the People platform for the U.S. government. The We the People platform is an online forum for U.S. citizens to submit petitions, vote on which they would like, and get an official responce from the U.S. government. This allows the citizens to be closer to their government, and helps create a bottom-up government style, where the ideas start at the bottom (with the citizens) and work upward to the government. We wanted to apply this concept to the U of O and create a website where, not only could petitions for what to change on campus could be submitted straight to the campus government, but also provide a forum for students and faculty to talk about their ideas. No official website like this exists on the U of O website, so this is a good way to help bring together and unify the campus members, while providing a single place where information about changes to campus could be kept. We took a survey of U of O students to see if they wanted a website like the We the People platform for the campus. A resounding 98.4% of those surveyed indeed wanted the site to happen. We submitted a proposal for the forum to the ASUO President, who has taken the website proposal into consideration.

Winter 2013
Politics & Publics
Short Summary

Our project was to attempt to create a website that would help unify the student body of the U of O with the campus government by providing an official forum to discuss and submit ideas to change the campus.