Our project concerns how the Internet and internetworking has changed how we use and value knowledge. We have chosen to divide knowledge into traditional, authoritative knowledge from sources such as Encyclopedia Britannica and coursebooks, and contrast it with crowd-sourced knowledge from sources such as Wikipedia. We surveyed a hundred UO students on their attitude towards the convenience and validity of knowledge from both kinds of sources. The survey was intended to represent crowd-sourced opinions on our questions, while our interview with Dr. Coopman presented a more authoritative take on the same issues. 

The final result of our project is a video in which we present our initial questions, the results of our research, an interview with professor Koopman and the conclusions that we drew from working with the project. Press play and sit back as we take you on a ride through the mysterious world of knowledge on the Internet.

http://youtu.be/yswM_FPJ7Ek Click this link!


Group members:

Ariel Coleman

Clayton Davis

Heidi Rangel

Love Blomberg


Winter 2012
Knowledge & Information
Short Summary

We are looking at how different kinds of knowledge (authoritative and crowd-sourced) are used by students at UO.