Our project was based on the idea that through the medium of the internet, a person's identity and personality can be distorted. This hypothesis was explored by each of the four members in our group by making a tumblr, trying to express who we are. After a few weeks of postings, we created a survey of ten questions that we had our friends take about the others' tumblrs. The survey was annonymous and had the following ten questions:

1. What is the name of the Tumblr you're looking at?
2. What is this person's gender?
3. What is this person's basic interests?
4. What genre(s) of music does this person listen to?
5. What is this person's major(s)?
6. What does this person do in their free time?
7. What is this person's political beliefs?
8. What is this person's family background?
9. What does this person care about?
10. What kind of person are they?

Because the survey's were annonymous some of the responses had minimal information while others had somewhat harsh responses. For some of our members, the survey responses were fairly close to being accurate, while at the same time there were some outliers in the data. Some of the inferrences made about the tumblrs were very interesting, and the survey answers and our responses are attached.

One of the presentation slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1YTXKROHHrBaSoia_3t-TKtQlTU1FIjsB...

Winter 2012
Identity & Selfhood
Short Summary

We each created a tumblr blog for ourselves and had people take a short survey inferring things about us from the blog.
