We have chosen this project because of an interaction a group member had this term with another person on campus. While walking home from a basketball game with a friend, another "student" approached them insisting on walking them home. After telling him no several times, he forcively walked them home assisting it was because he was chivalrous and couldn't let two girls walk home alone this late. He had claimed he was studing human physiology here at the U of O and appeared to be a student here carrying a back pack, notebook, and other things students carry. After he wouldn't let them to their house door, the group member called the non emergency number on campus to alert campus security of this strange event. According to UOPD, this is not the first time something like this happened. According to the description given, this same man has done this to many other girls, and is not a student on campus here at the U of O. 

Because events like this on campus happen all the time, we wanted to bring awareness to our own classroom to see how many people would notice when a student who doesn't attend the U of O comes to class and participates in class discussion and interacts with classmates. Brooke is not a student at our school, but she had attended class one time a week for two weeks in a row. Brooke had raised her hand in class, turned in a daily assignment, and interacted with different students in the class. Our goal for this would be to take note and try and video tape all of Brooke's interactions for proof of interaction. After interviewing students in the class most claimed they didn't really notice anything different with Brooke attending class and had no idea that she didn't even go here. We also had the chance to interview the professor. He had claimed he did not know Brooke wasn't a student here but after telling him of our project he said other students really shouldn't be worried. It is a public education, open to the public. After interviewing one of the GTFs, she claimed to be confused when they couldn't figure out who the paper belonged to, but when given the paper in class did not show any confusion. 

Prezi can be viewed here: http://prezi.com/tppnlhph_las/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy&rc=ex0...



Winter 2015
Identity & Selfhood
Short Summary

The purpose of this project is to bring awareness to UO students to they may be sitting next to or interacting with on campus.
