This project focuses on the perception of data mining from colelge students in order to better conceptualize just how invasive data mining can be.

Most of us have experienced the creepy, conveniently timed ads that pop-up all over our social media. These ads can create a feeling of being watched. That being said, though everyone has expereinced theses ads, no one really seems to care enough to research or do anything about it. 

We sought to answer the questions, "How do students at the UO feel about data mining?, Would they change their online habits knowing how invasive companies can be?"

Our experiment was a series of interviews with a twist. We start by asking simple questions like what our interviewee's name, hometown, religion, and hobbies are. However, we end with a question meant to throw them off which is, "How would you feel if I knew all of these things about you before ever asking you these questions?" Then following with, "If you had the power to know these things about people before meeting them, would you?"

Our results were that most of the college students we interviewd would be creeped out if I knew that stuff about them before asking them those questions. Even more so, they found that power to know these things about people stalkerish and ivasive.

The point our group made was that large companies our doing these types of invasive searches on our lives everyday by weeding through our internet hits, likes and views in order to figure out how to sell to us. 

We believe we were sucsessful in showing our peers just how invasive data mining can be.


Winter 2015
Privacy & Surveillance
Short Summary

In our project we sought to raise awareness of just how invasive data mining can be. We do so through a series of interviews with a twist.
